Course curriculum
Web Appplication -Dec 2023
Class 1 : Introduction to Web PT, CVSS, OWASP Basics, XSS - Reflected
Class 2: Kali Linux, XSS and it's types, Reflected Xss, what is wayback machine, Automation using waybackurlsbash, and curl
Class 3: Burpsuite & Installation
Class 4: No Rate Limit.
Class :5
Class 6: Broken Access Control, IDOR and Mitigations
Class : 7
Class: 8 LFI
Class:9 Sensitive Data Exposure
Class 10: SQL Injection
Class 11: Subdomain takeover using subzy tool and understanding Nuclei and their templates
Class 12: CORS using Automated Script
Creating tool - Arjun
Class 13: Click jacking, HTML Injection, Session Fixation
Class 14: DOM XSS
Class 15: Race Condition